Have you experienced discrimination from an airline, landlord, or property manage for your emotional support animal?
Remember, traveling with your emotional support animal (ESA) requires 48 hours notice to the airline and submittal of an ESA letter provided by TheraPetic (please note that some airlines require specific forms to be completed which TheraPetic provides). Any airline may follow up your request and directly contact TheraPetic for verification of your condition and your need to travel with your ESA.
In the very rare circumstance that an airline does not permit your emotional support animal on the plane or charges you a pet-related fee and did follow up with TheraPetic, you should file a complaint against the airline for discriminating against your right to an ESA according to the Air Carrier Access Act.
Click here to file a complaint of discrimination with the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Even if you already have a leased apartment and suffer from stress, anxiety, or a trauma that causes a disruption to your life, landlords or property managers may still require you to provide an ESA letter provided by TheraPetic. A landlord or property manager may challenge any documentation, so they may directly contact TheraPetic to verify your condition and need to live with an ESA.
You still may have an uphill battle even after sharing your ESA letter. Historically, service animals for physical disabilities are easily permitted than those therapeutic or emotional support animals for mental and emotional issues.
In the circumstance that a landlord or property manager does not permit your emotional support animal on their property or charge you a pet-deposit or a pet-related fee, you should file a complaint against the landlord or management property for discriminating against your right to an ESA according to the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA), with enforcement by Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
Click Here to File a Federal Complaint of discrimination with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Click on Your State to File a Complaint of Discrimination.
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